One of the treats of SundanceTwentyTen was the presence of PBS and NPR. A feast for our souls on the airwaves. (The real airwaves, a public resource).
Video: PBS Promotion for "The National Parks: America's Best Idea"

Tabla Rosa Sundance
One of the wise things done at the film festival is the gracious participation of Brita, the water filtering people. In a bid for global responsibility, water consumption is encouraged due to the altitude's effects on those who come from sea level or below Park City's elevation of over 10,000 feet. To reduce headaches and some aspects of fatigue, water is provided and filtered by Brita which offer quart-sized bottles (see the amber one in the foreground, above) gratis to the festival goers.
Why did we ever allow Coca Cola to sell us the same thing and to truck it to us for the increased inefficiencies of fuel consumption and waste?? Bravo to the Brita people and to Sundance for their leadership and foresight!
Ok... I'm showing my ignorance here, so apologies in advance. *grin*
I'm assuming from the blog title this is a little packet of edible goodies. Right?
The confusion lies in the fact that it's from the National Parks and the contents look like seeds (which they obviously are)... but I wasn't sure whether one should eat them or plant them. *grin*
Sorry. Put that down to the hour and my whack sense of humour. lol
It's not confusing. ~grin~
Therein lies the beauty of the concept. All natural ingredients, just like the great outdoors. Not sure if the pecans would sprout like that. But at the very least you could feed more than a family of chipmunks on that bag.
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