Monday, July 12, 2010

Okay, You Be the Judge

Berne et Gstaad --

Msr. Polanski was released from electronic custody and house arrest in Switzerland earlier today, much to the dismay of the Los Angeles District Attorney's office who had sought to have him extradicted and to stand and answer charges which made him an international fugitive for more than twenty years. That recent story is widely known, as is the masterpiece he created from different story by Robert Towne who described his "Chinatown" as the "tunnel at the end of the light."

For me, this interview is among the best from a director, if only because it includes the effect which had Jack Nicholson's J.J. Gittes wearing a bandage on his nose for most of the rest of the picture. But... there's more to it than that. And if you're a film geek, it's worth :10:35 minutes.


...m... said...

Post Script:

Msr. Polanski will remain a fugitive from American courts, since there's still a California state warrant pending for his original "failure to appear."

Unknown said...

Interesting interview with a film director. All of which has nothing to do with the fact that he drugged and raped a 13 yr old girl. Shall we forgive him because he's a good director? of course not.