Saturday, April 12, 2008

From Jihane, a vision

from the TED conference --

When I worked at ABC, my boss there was one of the original organizers of the TED conference. In those earlier times, TED was held only once every few years. Recently, Jihane Noujaim presented her vision of how the world might change through film and video storytelling.

I have always held that the purest definition of art is that which evokes an empathic response. This is the entire idea behind Jihane's vision of "Pangea Day." "For the first time in history, we have the chance to see the world differently, to see it through the eyes of the other."

THAT is what art is all about, to me. I'll see you there.

Tank Driver

On Pangea Day, there should be many more films like this. "For the first time in history, we have the chance to see the world differently, to see it through the eyes of the other."